A Handful of Stones: The Widget has Landed

I’ve long been an admirer of Fiona Robyn’s website A Handful of Stones.

If you don’t already know the site …

A small stone is a very short piece of writing that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment.

A shiny new stone is published there every day.

So I thought I’d put on my geeky hat and see if I can produce a little ‘widget’ that fans of the site can put on their own blogs or websites to display that days ‘stone’.

So I had a bash and came up with something.

I sent the results to Fiona who liked the idea (Phew!) and you can see the results at the side of this blog.

If you would like your very own widget you can get it from here.

Please let us know what you think, any problems and best of all (for us) if you have popped the widget onto a blog and where we might find it!

Guest Blog on Strictly Writing

I have a guest blog on the Strictly Writing website today.

Thanks to the team there for the opportunity, especially Samantha!

New words to conquer

bleat by coscurro - http://www.sxc.hu/profile/coscurroI’m new to this writing lark so I come across plenty of words and have to reach for the dictionary. Some of these become favourites and I think, “must get that in somewhere.”

But I hardly ever do.

So what about trying to get all your favourite and new words all together in one sentence?

It could be called ‘New Word Stuffing’. Or something like that.

So, if I could, I’d choose these three which are my favourites at the moment.

Flâneuse – she who wanders and has an insatiable thirst for experiencing life.

Schadenfreude – pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

Misandry – hatred (or contempt) of men or boys.

And it would go a little bit like this …

Clarisse was known about town as a dedicated flâneuse. Her friend Collette, however, was a definite misandrist who liked nothing better than inviting men to inappropriate parties and gaining satisfaction from her little moments of Schadenfreude.

Bit much?

Mmm, I think so too. But it’s a fun game.